30 January 2010

Protect Your Eyes

aku berkacamata sejak akhir tahun 2007 iaitu tahun di mana aku bakal menduduki peperiksaan yang sering digeruni oleh semua pelajar lepasan PMR; Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia.

dalam jangka masa 2 tahun,aku telah berjaya meningkatkan tahap kecacatan mataku dengan jayanya.syabas! Si Pembantu Optik (yela kot nama dia macam tu) pun agak terkejut dengan perkembangan kerabunan dan kesilauan mataku ini.

dan untuk pengetahuan semua,mataku kini di paras bahaya bagi kategori silau...sebagai ganjaran,ibunda dan si pembantu optik itu mula memberi ceramah tak dialu-alukan kepadaku...

so,these are some points that could help you to protect your eyes as it is vital in our life.

*Proper Posture
-Prevent writing and reading while lying on bed or couch. Improper reading posture will cause muscle strain and induce closer reading distance than usual.

-Sitting upright during reading.

*Proper Viewing Distance
-Please ensure that reading material and computer monitor is at proper viewing distance. Avoid reading and watching TV or computer monitor at a distance that is too close.

*Proper Lighting
-Use proper light intensity, not too bright until it is glaring to the eyes and not too dark for efficient near work.

-Do not dim the room completely while reading with a point light source.

*Proper Diet
-Good nutrition will definitely help in preventing other visual related health problems; plenty of fruits,vegetables,milk and fish will supply the eyes with essential nutrients for proper growth and development.

an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. so,lets protect and take good care of our eyes (even though my eyes already like #$%^@^&*)

enjoy your weekends everybody!

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