24 February 2010

No place like home

alhamdulillah,finally I'm at home after having to face many difficulties.thanks god!

about the journey,I feel a little bit awkward because this is my first time flying alone with AirAsia but not with MAS. there is something about this AirAsia place that makes me remind of something.I'm missing the 'companion'.

the problem that I've mentioned yesterday seems like turned to be okay but I don't know what will happen in the future.hopefully,they will keep their words.hurm..

And I just weigh my weight and the number that appears on the scale really makes me shocks!! I've gained 2.5kg within 2 months?? OMG! what happened with me?

sebelum ni,berat turun mendadak disebabkan masalah kehidupan dan sekarang tiba-tiba dah gain 2.5kg? dan sepanjang 19 tahun 3bulan aku hidup di dunia ini,belum pernah lagi berat aku mencecah 44kg.. tapi sekarang apa dah jadi?

cuba anda bayangkan apa akan jadi dengan diriku ini selepas menikmati cuti 5bulan ni? sumpah tak nak bayangkan! gerun!!

tolong,aku tak nak gemuk!

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