29 April 2011

My Third Crush; Ranbir Kapoor

I made this picture as my profile picture in Facebook and it makes some of my friends a little bit uneasy and uncomfortable with my "handsome-ness".LOL

His face reminds me of someone and that is why i have falling in love with him (Ranbir)! ROFL.


sri said...

Ranbir aku punya! grr, dulu Sue, pastu Sarah, now ko plak. T__T

iela_fadila alias said...

i'm one of ur frens tuuu.. :P

Hazlin Lalala said...

is it because of the "one" im thinkin?? sbb sama mcm ehem ehem?

a's said...

wakakakakakakaka..............semua pakat berebut dah! dekat fb pun aku kena fire dgn semua sbb letak gambor ni.LOL

a's said...

#iela_fadila alias
hahaha.yes u are! habis hangit sebab kena fire dgn korang!

a's said...

#Hazlin Lalala
hahahaha...yes that 'one' lah! :p