its Mother's Day but I have nothing special for my mom today since I think everyday I should respect,love,care about my mom.
Woke up in the morning and do the laundry then defrost the proteins and watching TV for a while. I was thinking to make Lemon Chicken.
Then I chopped and separated the chicken tender from the bone and sliced it into cubes. Then I marinated in egg and coated it with white flour then fried it in hot oil.
Next,I prepared the sauce which is sweet sour Lemon sauce. FYI,I cooked based on the taste after have a glimpse at the recipe in the internet. Unfortunately,the sauce turned out to be so blueeekkkkk! Seriously I felt like throwing up!! Yuckksss! The taste of chicken stock that combine with lime..eeeuuuuu!
Finally I decided to throw it and ate the white rice with chicken coated with white flour ONLY -____-'

But Alhamdulillah the chicken turned out very well and I ate them happily without any gravy okay ;'(
I rarely online now,I felt like there is nothing to do in the net.HAHAHAHAHA! This is totally nonsense for an online maniac like me since I was 12th years old! What happened to me?? Am I getting old or matured? LOL
And my friend asked about my latest picture last night because I said that I am getting heavier and chubbier. I said to my friend that honestly I have never took picture of myself since few years ago. Maybe I am getting sick of it. Hehehe. I have retired from having such vain picture of myself,MAYBE! I don't know in the future. Entah-entah virus vain tu datang lagi? Wakakaka,retire konon!!! But for now tak berminat sangat sebab dah gemuk,tapi atas permintaan rakan-rakan nanti la aku cuba cari mood gedik tu di mana-mana.ROFL.
At evening,watering the flowers at the front yard,and back yard. Pheww! There are plenty of flowers at the front yard you know. And at the back yard is the Herbs garden. Penat betul jadi suri rumah ni woit! Baru ku tahu apa itu kerja seorang ibu /suri rumah sepenuh masa tu. Lebih letih daripada kerja di office aku rasa sebab kena banyak bergerak. Tapi once kau dah settle kan semua kerja rumah dan rumah nampak bersih,dapat makan makanan yang sedap and at the moment kau akan rasa puas hati teramat I tell you!! Ce try ce try..........
At night,ate the dinner sambil dengar mommy tengah gossip dengan ayahanda. Aku buat-buat tak dengar sambil makan banyak-banyak lepastu sakit perut sebab overloaded!! HAHAHA.
Ayahanda bawak balik mangga manis gila sampai buat aku gila sebab kandungan gula yang boleh buat aku hyper! Sumpah manis sangat!! I like it.......Nanti aku kasi recipe nak buat Mango Smoothie eh. 2 minggu lepas aku dah try buat dan sedap sampai aku boleh jadi gemuk la -____-'
Have a great day everyone!
Done with Day 20.
p/s: Baru 20 hari ke? Aku pikir dah sebulan. Apasal aku kalut sangat nak kerja hari tu eh? Sepatutnya menikmati keindahan kehidupan di rumah puas-puas dulu......Nasib baik aku ditegah daripada bekerja. Ada hikmah tu -____-'
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Kerja la menda menda pun, semuanya letih.
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