Woke up and prepared myself to go out with Kak WO,Abang Ngah,Abang Long,Encik KA. We went out for movie time together and at the same time I want them to be my 'bodyguard' untuk gertak cina yang jual my handphone tu.
Luckily I have my Abang Long dan Kak WO who really gertak cina tu. Abang Ngah poyo nak larikan diri. Sebel! My phone is okay already after the cina tekan2 something but he suggested to send the phone to the factory back so that they will reformat the software and can upgrade the software. I have doubt about that,but my Abang Long advised me to send the phone back to the factory so that my phone will turn to be new one with up-to-date software.
I agree even if I have doubt about that. Its okay,I have already took pictures of the serial number and all the hologram and etc. In case if the cina try to cheat me again, I SEE YOU IN COURT,PIRATE!!
Then we went to Mc'D to have our lunch. When I am out with these 2 brothers,I cannot help myself from laugh out loud until the tears came out. Siap tersedak lagi masa makan ais krim. Diaorang ni memang suka sangat buat lawak bodoh yang aku susah nak dengar daripada orang lain. Lepastu suka usik aku. Beginilah nasib adik bongsu -____-' . We are just like family.
p/s: I love this picture very much!! maybe because it was taken using iphone4? ROFL
Then,we went to Alor Star Mall to catch the show of Pirates of Caribbean. The movie was so interesting and awesome! But our seats were at the second row,so kami terpaksa mendongak ke langit untuk menonton sebab cinema memang full house. Sakit tengkok mendongak ke langit almost 2 hours.
Next,we have our photoshoot session and as always I rather love to be ugliest model than professional photographer because I don't have the mood to take pictures too. I am still waiting for the pictures from Kak WO and Abang Ngah.

Went back home at 6pm from Alor Star.
At night,I helped my mother to mark the exam papers of her Mathematics students. After that,surf the internet for a while then sleep at 11.50pm! Too early for an owlgirl like me.

p/s: please ignore that "pregnant" lady ;'[
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