Yeah,I am home!
Decided to obey the advice from mommy and here you are. I am at home now after a long and packed days in KL. Spent few puluhan juta rupiah for 1 day only (you can times with 4 if you have plenty of time) and most of them are my things and luckily I have not use my own money at all. Phewww at least, I can save money for ehem ehem insyaAllah.
So,the routines at home are as usual like before. But maybe I will add something in my schedule which is "Learning French-Basic Communication".
I just learned the basic skills and words last Thursday through internet only because I am too lazy to take formal class. Like Mandrin class before,I have only attended few classes then I decided to stop sebab letih dan masa tu kelas clash dengan masa solat tarawikh. I rather choose to go to tarawikh rather than attend the class (udah malas tu kabor jela,lagi mau kasi banyak alasan pulak -____-' .hihihi).
Hopefully I can learn something and get to master at least basic greetings and sentences for daily conversation in French.
Au revoir !
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