25 January 2011

Who's the lucky 100th?

Randomly refresh my dashbord after woke up at 1609 hour today (READ: I sleep at 1245 hour after being disappointed by Molecular Cell Biology paper this morning) and I found out my followers were about 100 people already!! I am freaking happy!!!!!!!!!!!

I have said something to
Srii,that I am gonna make some contest after my followers turn to 100 and now I am so blur and don't expect this soon its gonna be. Mampus gue nak buat contest gapo pulak ni?? Nok bagi hadiah gapo??Ado ko ore hok nok join contest ambo??

OH! I JUST REALIZED THAT MY 100th FOLLOWERS IS MY CLASSMATE!! K.A,where did you find this crappy blog?? OMG! I am blushing* Thank you and keep on reading my crappy thought!

So I would like to ask for your favor guys, what is the best contest that should I do/organize/make it here?


iela_fadila alias said...

xdak idea..
tapi kalu buat t,nak join! hehe

Kay Amira Zain said...

maaluuu sayaa akak post :">