18 February 2011

Full Moon #3

alhamdulillah we are in the middle of Rabiu'lawal now and here it is; my lovely full moon tonight! What a beautiful creatures from HIM? Thanks Allah because give me such a great reward and present for me after I have struggling to death in making the thing happened and finally the album was done and I just need to wait for several days until the delivery. Even though I have nothing to do with this album,just 'helping' a friend but I feel relieve and hope that I will get more job during my semester break.

I need to pay more attention in editing skills and time management in order to produce a great quality photo album within few weeks not months -_-"

Thank you to akak Wahida for dedicating this picture for me. I like the moon and the editing ♥♥♥! I hope I have tele-lens right now with tripod and I can shoot my lovely 'baby' too ;'(

And this is from my 'big brother'..This photo is awesome!!

When I look at the full moon,surely I will think about him and I am very sure that he is doing fine right now;even better than before I guess. Good for him!

Dear Mr Past,
I hope you will see the same moon tonight and love it like how much I do. May your life always be enlighten with the 'light' from my lovely moon. That's the only thing that I can give to you in order to make you happy.

So many things become beautiful when you take the time to look around.


Wahida said...

great to c u happy dear....=)

iela_fadila alias said...

bulan cantikk...macam awak ! :)

a's said...

@Wahida Shukeri
I am one happy lady on Earth today!

a's said...

hehe,thank you darl!! but they shoot it,not me :p