24 November 2010

Carrot Milk Juice

an auto-publish entry;
Everyday I will order this carrot milk juice at the cafe in campus during last examination weeks.I don't know why,but I am getting to fall in love with this juice since last dinner with my friend.so here is the recipe;

Images courtesy from Google


(1 glass, 1 serving)
1 whole carrot
1/2 cup of fresh milk (can be substituted with condensed milk)

1.Wash and rinsed the carrot
2.Chop the carrot into cubes
3.Blend the carrot
4.Filter the pulp from the puree
5.Mix with milk and add some ice cubes.Ready to serve.

Good Luck!


Unknown said...

dulu memang tak sukakan jus carot sebab rasa pelik. tapi mak selalu buat maka terpaksa minum sampai muka ketat.

sekarang harap hari-hari boleh minum sebab mata semakin bertambah rabun. T_T

Azra said...

ko memang wajib kene minom ana, kalo tak.. heerh habislah mate kau

a's said...

epulafea: sama la kita.sekarang terpaksa minum sebab mata semakin rabun.insaf jap :P

Prof Azra Al-Kamtumi: hahahaha,baiklah prof!