04 February 2012

Tak Diduga

I am safely arrive home,from a day off to Penang with my girlfriends since we were in school. But unfortunately when I stepped into the door,mom told me that Ayahanda got into an accident this evening and people need to send him back to our home due to his injuries.

I almost broke into tears,because I have seen 2 motorcycle accidents since last 2 days in a row! And maybe that is the sign from Allah for me?

Ayahanda got injured at his elbow obviously and he cannot walk like normal. Jalan terhinjut-hinjut sebab dia jatuh terhempas but his motorcycle was not really affected by the accident.

Ayahanda tengah menunggang motorsikal,tiba-tiba datang budak kecik umur 5-6tahun naik basikal dan lintas jalan without tengok kiri kanan dan ayahanda nak elak daripada langgar that little toddler jadi ayahanda terbabas dan 'terbang' ke depan sebab motor dah terbabas lalu ayahanda terhempas dengan cara mengiring (melalui 'pemeriksaan' part-part badan ayahanda yang sakit).

Ayahanda mengadu sakit di bahagian bahu dan aku tekan-tekan sikit rasa tulang meanwhile sebelah kiri bahu dia tak rasa pun tulang tu timbul,hurm hurm...

Esok pagi akan bawak abah untuk x-ray. Malam ni ibunda bawak ayahanda pi cuci luka saja dekat farmasi area rumah sebab ibunda pun tak sihat sebab baru lepas masuk hospital sebulan yang lalu :'(

Semoga kedua ibu bapaku diberi kesihatan yang baik dan dilindungi Allah selalu.

p/s:Happy Birthday iela fadila. I love you with all my heart :') Thanks for being the one who always be with me through thick or thin. Even I never told you my problem first, but you will come to me and ask me because only true friend can read their friend's mind. May all your wishes come true dear <3


Othman. F. said...

Everything will be alright! Amin amin...

diyanah said...

anna, yana doa ayah anna okay. insyaallah.