#Nikmat yang Allah bagi untuk aku kali ini mungkin juga sebagai ujian terhadapku;either aku seorang yang bersyukur atau bongkak dengan kelebihan yang diberikan. Aku mohon dijauhkan segala sifat mazmumah itu.
#I need to attend 2 big examinations on the same day! Could you ever imagine how hectic my day will be?? And both are crucial for my future!!
#I'm so into photography! Thank you for all your support guys!
#Dalam tak sedar,aku dah 7 tahun bersahabat baik dengan J & 13 tahun dengan cik Aq!! wow!! pantasnya masa berlalu.
#I'm still not over him; pity me :(
#Is looking forward for tomorrow everning sebab ibunda ada exam kenaikan pangkat/gaji what not and she has been so busy even nak ajak keluar makan di luar pun dia tak nak. Ibunda rajin study,anak dia ni rajin study Facebook! elok benor perangei! Plus; mom said tomorrow nak pergi shopping. Yeehhooooo!! I'm luvin it
#I'm heartless! I hate those guys that flirting around in Facebook. Please,you have your pride dude! Don't mess up everything!
#I hate to wear this spectacle because it makes me so uncomfortable!! I think of wearing lens but it gives more harm than this spectacle. I wish I could have my old fresh eyes!! grrrr...
#I miss you /: and I really mean it!
#Last but not least,I'm thinking of buying this to replace my baby black k800i.I'm not follow the trend but it is faster to get connected with the internet and it is cool! Ibunda,could you give me money to buy this? Pleaseee...........
this is the new iPhone 4g but still not available in Malaysia :(
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